
Thursday, June 7, 2018

Unity of a Forgotten Kind

The world and all it contains, both seen and unseen stands with mankind in a state of consubstantiation.  Our ancestors understood this as fact, making their worldview one of total acceptance.  Life was hard but good.  Prosperity honestly earned was good.  Sex too was considered good.  In everything they did the Gods, Desir/Matronae were ever present, not separated from the rest of the world.  Monotheism with its world rejecting view separates reality.   

Born in the harsh desert climate, Monotheism was destined to offer a bleak outlook.  It still does.  The single God creeds offer salvation if the person shuns the world.  This worldview was foreign to Europeans, especially those of the north.  It still is today and to all of European descent.  

A world accepting view does not shun anything that is wholesome and good.  This includes the divine, which is part of the total consubstantiation.  The Gods did not leave us.  We left them.  By remembering them and honoring them we give them rebirth in our total consciousness.  We rebuild and renew.  

However, this renewal is not a journey back to the past or for that matter living as our ancestors did. It is a rebuilding of what we know what was into what is applicable and needed for us today.  This also means that we must add what is needed.  It means we must adapt and overcome our reluctance to do so, thinking that we will cheapen Heathenry.  It will not.  What is truly heilige demands that we do so. 

     Copyright 2018 Terry Unger All Rights Reserved

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Born Guilty?

A child is born.  The child exits the womb and is innocent.  How can a newborn babe carry the weight of guilt, the debt of so-called 'original sin'?  The babe cannot.  Contrary to a religious doctrine and dogma that demands such, we are innocent at birth.  As we grow, age, and move through the experiential, that innocence is lost.  

Words and deeds strip us of our innocence. We can feel the heavy load of our actions.  Or, our words and deeds lift us, glorify us, our lives, and the world itself.  We are born innocent into a wonderful world that offers prosperity and personal renown.  It offers but does not give.  How you get it defines you.  This is something that our Ancestors knew well.  Before the Christian era, when men were innocent until proven guilty - of something done by their words and deeds.  

                       Copyright 2018 Terry Unger  All Rights Reserved.  

Fighting Giants

 Believing that we can control nature, getting nature to bend to our will is foolhardy.  We are a part of the very thing we seek to control....