
Friday, August 30, 2019

Finding Polaris - Published

The purpose of this book is to help dispel the Christian myth surrounding the conversion of the northern European peoples. The introduction of this book begins by discussing Arminius, his victory over Rome, and the Roman Empire of his time. There is a brief but necessary explanation of Arian versus Trinitarian Christianity and how they fought for Constantine's favor. Part I of this book describes how Roman Emperors aided in the growth of Christianity whether they wanted to or not. From this point forward, the book takes pains to point out that the so-called conversion of the northern Europeans was nothing at all like the Church storyline. Part II briefly discusses calendars and why they are important. Finally, Heathen holidays are discussed with the focus on Yule. In place of footnotes, this book lists the sources behind the statement of facts and these sources make up a healthy bibliography.

                                  Author’s Foreword

The roots of this book go back to 2006 when I amassed information for my Reluctant Hero Trilogy.  What I did not use, and it was considerable, I kept and added to it over the years.  That data is the backbone for this book.  The basic thrust of this book is to dispel the Christian story about the conversion of the northern European peoples and why Yule should be the most important Heathen Holy Tide.  The introduction is by necessity lengthy. 
          Part one of the introduction is about Arminius of the Cherusci.  Many people look to Ragnar Lodbrok of the Viking era as a hero and that is fine; in my opinion, Arminius is more so.  Modern archeology shows the truth about the Germanic peoples of that era.  Part two is a thumbnail about various religious concepts. 
          Natural religion versus revealed religion is examined.  Also, most folks believe that at the turn of the 4th century, the age of Constantine, there was only ‘one Christianity.’  No so – there were two major sects that angled for supremacy and both were highly influenced by a major Pagan religion.  The body of the book is also divided into two parts. 
          The first part of the book is about the conversion period.  I focused on several Roman Emperors and how one way or another they fostered Christianity.  The focus then shifts to the Franks, starting with Clovis and continues up to the grandsons of Charlemagne.  Part one finishes with a few words about Scandinavian kings.  The focus of Yule is the bulk of Part two. 
          In order to have a better understanding of Yule I found it necessary to offer a brief discussion about calendars and how they affected not just holidays but the basic life of the common man ... 

Click on the title, 'Finding Polaris' listed on the right of this blog to purchase for a modest $10.00.  

                  Copyright 2019 Terry Unger All Rights Reserved

Great Book!