
Saturday, November 2, 2013

A New Book Is In The Works !!!!

Sandra and I are happy to announce that our first collaboration, A Yuletide Anthology - A Collection of Selected Works and a Few Tasty Recipes is with the publisher for final edit.  This short book concentrates on Yule, the most holy of northern European holidays that was celebrated before the Christian conversion.  The reader will discover the origins of things like Santa Claus, the Yule log, holiday greenery, and much more.  We did not forget that the holiday has a need for tempting food; thus the recipes.  While not ancient, the recipes do recall a simpler time.  There are a few articles about holiday behavior and holiday gifting.  While not written in stone, they offer common sense solutions to the madness of the modern Christmas holiday.  And for the holiday romantics, a short story about a change of heart is there; grab your tissues.  

                                                 Copyright @2013 Terry and Sandra Unger   

Great Book!