
Monday, December 11, 2017

Published ... Nick Hammer - Body Parts

                             Available Now - Amazon and Kindle USA.

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“You put in me a really bad position Luke,” Perry lamented. 
          “Don’t fret so much little bro … y’all worry too much … always did.  This is what we’re gonna do … Perry, you just relax … Billy here is gonna do all the grunt work.  Billy, you take what’s left of my good friend here and cremate him … Perry told me you’re really good at that stuff.  Burn his clothes too but make sure you get any ID the guy had on him … we’ll figure out a way to sell it.  Believe me, nobody will miss this guy.  Perry, don’t stroke out on me, even though there’s a doctor in the house.”  Luke chuckled at his word craft. 
          The organ buyer arrived and handsomely paid Dr. Hansen in cash.  Luke set the final hook for his brother, Perry.  He handed Perry a stack of cash. 
          “This is yours bro … think of it as a rental or use of space fee.  If you want Billy to have a few bucks, do it out of your share.  He’s not getting a dime from me.” 

          Luke watched as his brother counted the money.  When finished, Perry put aside what appeared to be a third.  The rest he stuffed into his pants pocket.  Luke held on to a thin smile; so much for my brother being a paragon of virtue.    

           Copyright Terry Unger 2017 All Rights Reserved

A Grandfather's Gift