
Friday, January 25, 2019

A Question Of Morality

Many years ago a group of women said that a man does not have the right to dictate to a woman what she can or cannot do with her body.  In general, this is true.  However, when does the Judeo-Christian thou shall not kill come into play?

Recently, Gov. Cuomo and the New York State legislature passed into law a bill allowing abortion up to the day before the infant's due date.  The Judeo-Christian commandment of thou shall not kill is the bathwater thrown out with the baby.  Where is the Church, that bastion of morality?  Pope Francis should excommunicate Cuomo and all Catholic legislators responsible for this law.  And do so immediately.  But, he will not. 

This pope is too busy lecturing the western world on the immorality of walls and the grievous sin of not allowing mass immigration.  He pontificates on the greatness of socialism while condemning capitalism.  According to Francis, since we are all equal, wealth must be shared; an original Christian talking point.  If this is true, equality dear Francis, what about these aborted children and the legislators who allow this to happen? 

Ah yes, dear Francis, you are too busy pushing your socialist agenda on the West while dragging your feet dealing with clerical sexual predators. 

The day will come for you to be judged.  Your Wyrd will play out; it always does.  Hopefully, aborted children and those victims of clerical abuse will be present to bear witness.

                  Copyright 2019 Terry Unger All Rights Reserved

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