
Monday, January 28, 2019

On Prayer

It may shock some people to find out that Heathens are not godless.  We have many.  So, it should not be shocking to find out that Heathens pray.  Folks new to Heathenry and those just curious, wonder how it's done.

Heathens, who been around a while understand that our Gods are our Elder Kin.  We are a family.  We can talk with our Gods just like we would talk to an older brother or sister across a kitchen table.  If you want to honor a particular God or Goddess it's done with the offering of gifts during Blot.  There are fine examples of how this is done in many fine publications - there is no need for me to elaborate.  Other points needed to point out are below.

The relationship a Heathen has with his Gods is dramatically different than the Christian.  As noted above, the Heathen and his Gods are Kinfolk.  As such. Heathen Gods are not separated from their human siblings.  Gods and humans share the 'same space within a Multiverse,' as parts of creation itself.  Not so in Christianity.  The Christian God is separate and distant from man and creation, in some 'unknown space,' the Judeo-Christian heaven.  To visualize this, draw a circle.

This circle represents the Multiverse.  Within this circle is the Heathen, all of creation, and the Gods.  All of everything is there, constantly interacting.  Now, draw two more circles.

Place one on the far left and the other on the far right.  Within the left circle are the Christian and the rest of creation.  Within the right circle is the Christian God.  The space between the circles graphically shows the separation that exists between the God of the Christians and his creation.  There are considerable doctrine and dogma within Christianity that makes this so.  Again, so much to lay out here.  If you are curious it's all available to discover online or in a library.  And, Heathens are not limited to talking/praying to just our Gods.

Our Ancestors are available to us as well as our Matronae (Desir in Old Norse).  The kitchen table thing works well with our Ancestors and Matronae (the kitchen table thing is an example of simply talking to another older family member.  It could be the living room, the bedroom, the beach, or the forests.  Speak your mind - there is no political correctness).  If you wish to honor them or seek some favor, Blot just like you would for the Gods.  One more thing. 

A Heathen needs to develop a relationship with his fylgja (fill-ge-yah).  She has been with you before birth and will guide you into the afterlife.  Your fylgja can be your advocate, your comforter, and your early warning system - if you listen to her still small voice within you.  But, like many relationships, it starts with you. 

               Copyright 2019 Terry Unger All Rights Reserved

Great Book!