My books on Amazon are on SALE! Amazon discounted the original prices and I do not know how long my books will remain at this low prices! Did I mention that my books make great gifts? They do!
The View: One Man's Living Asatru With Help From The Havamal
6 x 9 softcover - $12.03/ Kindle version - $6.00
The View: Act II
6 x 9 softcover - $12.00/ Kindle version - $6.00
The Reluctant Hero Trilogy (The Last Wizard - The Story of a Reluctant Hero, Son of the Morrigan, and Ragnarok)
6 x 9 softcover - $20.00/ Kindle version - $7.00
A Yuletide Anthology
6 x 9 softcover - $7.99/ Kindle version - $4.00
6 x 9 softcover - $6.00/ Kindle version - $2.00
For book cover images look to your right and scroll on this blog.
Just go to Amazon books and enter "Terry Unger"
Copyright @2015 Terry Unger