
Monday, September 14, 2015

My Latest Book Published

I am pleased to announce that my latest book, The View - Act II is now available.  Act II is a continuation of the work started in The View - One Man's Living Asatru With Help From The Havamal.  Both books look at the human condition through a Heathen/Asatru lens.  

As of this date, the 6 x 9 softcover is available on the CreateSpace e-store.  In 3 to 5 days it will be available on Amazon USA and Europe.  Expanded distribution will be available in 6 -8 weeks.  The Kindle version should be available in 3 days.  

                                                         Copyright 2015 Terry Unger

Fighting Giants

 Believing that we can control nature, getting nature to bend to our will is foolhardy.  We are a part of the very thing we seek to control....