All those who have passed on before us are our Ancestors. Some were great to good people, while others were well less than that; it is the nature of all things. Regardless of where your Ancestors fall on the good to naughty scale, they are yours as are mine. We carry them with us in our genes and our DNA; this is an inescapable fact. Life in all facets should be celebrated and Yule gives us this splendid opportunity.
Do not be satisfied with just lifting a horn in praise to your Ancestors. Set a full dinner setting to entice them to join you at the table; let them feel your welcome. For those whom you know, tell their stories. It is important that the children hear and observe these things while all the while it is up to you to point out the importance of word and deed. This time should serve as a clarion call to you; you want to leave this life with a good name. Remember, one day you too will be an Ancestor for those who come after you ... people who forget their Ancestors also lose sight of the future. Make sure that your story is filled with laughter and light.
Copyright @2015/2016 Terry Unger