Monday, September 3, 2012
My Top Ten Reasons To Stay Home On New Year's Eve
#10 - The price of food and drink is jacked up, silly, and just plain ridiculous.
#9 - You can watch Casablanca and Gone with the Wind in one night.
#8 - You have the opportunity to watch your neighbor stumble and vomit on his driveway. Then you can go out and ask him if he will join you in a new year's toast.
#7 - It's a great way to avoid a bar fight.
#6 - You can ring in the new year in your underwear.
#5 - You don't have to rent a room.
#4 - If you're gonna make a fool of yourself, your audience will be limited.
#3 - You can stock up on beer, booze, and eats long before New Year's Eve.
#2 - You can give Ryan Seacrest a shot at filling Dick Clark's shoes.
#1 - Amateur drunks clog the roads on New Year's Eve. Stay home; stay alive.
Copyright @2012/2016 Terry Unger
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